The Internet is truly a wide, wide web, and on there you’ll find a few million individuals and businesses all vying for the same thing – attention. In this competitive landscape, you have to be extremely clever with your marketing in order to stand out. So, what’s the secret? It’s actually pretty simple. You have to be…
A storyteller.
Building a narrative and lore around your brand is the smartest thing you could possibly do – but don’t take it from us, take it from business mogul Seth Godin:
“Marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make, but about the stories you tell.”
Your brand needs interesting stories incorporated into its marketing efforts as much as it needs quality products and services. Let’s talk about what that means.
Humans Love Stories
There’s a discernible reason that most of us are addicted to our phones, glued to our TVs, and generally interested in other people’s lives. The reason is that we love stories. We always have. From the cave paintings in prehistoric times, to captivating music, to binge-able TV shows, we love to disappear inside a narrative that transports us and teaches us about ourselves in the process.
Marketing campaigns have one ultimate goal: to convince a consumer to purchase a business’s products or services. However, a good marketing campaign has other objectives as well: among them being creating a strong brand identity and generating public interest. Maybe in the past, a brand could’ve gotten away with simple product descriptions and repetitive advertisements, but today the bar is simply too high to rely on these alone.
An excellent way to draw customers’ attention and create positive brand recognition is to focus your marketing efforts on telling a compelling story with your campaigns. The stories you tell should aim to invoke emotions, and form a profound bond between your brand and your customers.
The Art of Storytelling
Storytelling is a skill as much as it is an art. The goal is to mesmerize and inspire trust in your target audience with your well-crafted brand narrative while making it seem genuine and effortless.
How do you achieve that? Well, you want to: tell stories that resonate with your audience’s desires and aspirations, be authentic, appeal to emotions, and be creative as you do it. Here are a few more things to keep in mind as you create interesting stories for your brand’s marketing campaigns:
The Power of Empathy
Marketing campaigns should not feel cold and calculated, or they won’t work. If a potential customer feels like they are being shouted at by your advertisement – or worse, if they don’t even notice it – you have immediately put them off your brand. Instead, focus on making sure your advertising tugs at your audience’s heartstrings in some way.
Empathy is your secret weapon—it bridges the gap between your brand and your audience. To create compelling stories, try to empathize with your target audience’s struggles and aspirations. Connect with their emotions and make them feel seen and understood. When you weave empathy into your narratives, your audience will be drawn in.
The Hero’s Journey
Craft stories that take your audience on a hero’s journey—a narrative of transformation and growth. How would your audience’s lives be better if they purchased your product? Your brand’s products or services should be the magical tools that aid the hero (your audience) in their quest for success and fulfillment.
Comedy in Storytelling
Don’t be afraid to sprinkle humour into your narratives. Humor creates an instant connection, making your brand approachable and endearing.
Brand Identity
People should be able to recognize your brand in public and have a positive reaction to it. It’s not just about the products you make, but the values, beliefs, and personality that define your brand. The stories you tell with your marketing should reflect your brand’s identity and values – whether it be a legacy of craftsmanship or a commitment to sustainability, let your brand’s identity be the beacon that guides your storytelling.
Interactive Quests
In the digital age, storytelling can take on an interactive form. Craft interactive experiences that allow your audience to be part of the narrative—whether it’s through quizzes, polls, or user-generated content. Let your audience co-create the story, and watch as their engagement with your brand reaches epic proportions.
Create stories that are so compelling and share-worthy that your audience becomes the storyteller. People are more likely to listen to other people they know and trust rather than an advertisement, so encouraging referrals and standing out to every customer can be an integral part of your marketing campaign.
In short…
Great marketing campaigns craft narratives that captivate, inspire, and forge an unbreakable bond with an audience. Humour and empathy are integral tools to humanizing marketing efforts, and a smart marketing professional should always aim to employ them in some capacity.
KEY27 Marketing
Our team at KEY27 Marketing understands the patterns and trends of digital marketing. With over 10 years of experience in this field, we skillfully utilize our knowledge to craft the best possible marketing campaigns for your business. We will work closely with you to tell stories that will make your target audience fall in love with your brand.
Interested in getting some personalized recommendations for your business? Contact us to schedule a FREE 30 minute consultation, and let us show you how we can propel your business to the next level.