
Digital Publications


Interactive Content

Turn your print collaterals (magazines, catalogs, brochures, sales sheets, documentation, manuals) into an online interactive content.

Why Interactive? Because we (as visitors) need to get involved with the online properties. The static collaboration era is gone.

Why Content? Because “Content is King”.

With KEY27 iContent you achieve more than just content – Interactive Content.

digital marketing

The Benefits

Why KEY27 Interactive Content?

Turned-on Gray Laptop Computer on Table

Your collateral is better organized and managed; Better cost-efficient (saving thousands or tens of thousands of marketing budget) and optimized so it will show up in the first page in Google.

The online IContent can get in places where the print cannot (within the same budget)

More links to your site, more content to publish and to talk about, higher usage of your corporate site and more…

Be perceived by your target market as a thought leader.

Integrate it with Google Analytics plus enjoy the platform’s unique analytics, including hit-maps to indicate where your users clicks, zoomed in and more…

Users will perceive you as environmental-friendly, enjoy the ease of use and search, value the fresh content and more…

Discover how we can help you with

30 minutes complimentary consulting session

Features of KEY27 Interactive Content

“If content is king, ease of use is the queen.” We are giving you an intuitive and users’ friendly platform. No plug-ins or downloads required, ready for integrating video, audio, images and flash and zoom-in is possible up to 200% of the normal text! You can read even newspapers, with no problem.

A partial list of the features of KEY27 iContent include:


Create internal links to your website’s internal pages or external links to websites and online content.

Add Video

Enhance your online document with video to tell your story in an engaging way.

Easily Share

Simply click the “share” button and readers can send a link to friends with ease.


Track what pages get the most view time, which links are getting clicked and more.

Webshop (E-Commerce) Integration

Integrate your interactive catalog with your online shop.

OCR Searchable Text

No need for any search engine; The platform built-in OCR search feature is there for your readers to locate what they want.

Optional Custom Graphic Design

In case you are in a need for the graphic design and wish to have something special for your publication, our design experts will do it for you.

Seraphinite AcceleratorOptimized by Seraphinite Accelerator
Turns on site high speed to be attractive for people and search engines.