During the first meeting with a prospect client, there are a few questions they are asking. They are asked because the business executive might just don’t know or because these questions are sources of anxiety, regarding online marketing strategies and tactics. Anxiety because they had bad experiences before (spending a lot of money online but getting no results). Here are the questions: 1. Is there interest online for our services / products? 2. Can we get more traffic to the website? 3. Can you help getting more leads/clients from our visitors?
1. Is there interest online for our services / products?
You can hear this question in different forms: – Is there business for me online? – Are my clients using internet to find my service/products – Are there enough people looking for us online? Even if the questions are asked in a different order, it is very important to answer this question first. You might say that nowadays everybody is searching online and there is of course interest for services and products. You might be surprised to hear that it is not the case for every business and for any service or products. It all starts with the business goals (which services/products are the subjects of the online marketing plan – they can be on demand or not). Also, it is important to know the development plan for specific services/products (how aggressive the company wants to be, if the are willing or not to work on educating the target market, if it is required, the life cycle of the service/product) . It is also depending on the targeted geographical area. It is one thing to investigate the online purchase intention in Greater Toronto Area or in a city with a population of 100,000. So, the research has to be detailed and very specific in order to present numbers to the clients. And the final point: these numbers have to make sense for the business. Sometimes, if the price for the service/product is low, you need a high amount of online searches. Other times, if you deal with a high priced service/product you can work with a lower number of searches.
2. Can we get more traffic to the website?
Or, something around these questions: – How do we get more qualified visitors to our website? – Can we improve the rankings so we will have more visitors? – Can we make the website more visible online? Once you clarify that there are enough searches online, you can select from various tactics in order to drive this traffic to the website. Do you want something fast? Paid Ads can do the job. But, you have to make sure you select the proper platform(s) where to pay for these ads. If you have a big budget, the decision can be easy. If you work with a lower you need to make sure you select the most appropriate one(s). Terms as ‘lower budget’ or ‘bigger budget‘ are relative: – What is a big amount for somebody it is a smaller amount for somebody else – The available budget can be compared with ‘recommended’ budget If you do not need over-night traffic, you can invest in long term strategies. For me, the words ‘long term’ represent two things: a. It will take some time to get results, but this will be done following the best practices in the industry, so there will less surprises when Google comes with a new update of their algorithm b. These results will hold in time (compared with what is happening with Paid Ads, which are ‘disappearing’ once the budget is spent).
3. Can you help getting more leads/clients from our visitors?
Or: – How can I get more leads from the existing traffic? – How can we improve the conversion of the website? – How can we convince people to contact us? Even without looking at a website I can say: there is ALWAYS a way to improve the Online Conversion of a website. There are so many variables which are changing in time, from product offering to (the most important one) the change in the visitors/clients behaviour. You cannot be sure about how people are reacting until you see them acting on it. Surveys and research can do only as much as to give you a good start. But we will always find a way to increase the Online Conversion of a website. We did it before and we will continue to do it. Octavian Nastase Online Conversion Expert @KEY27 – We are in the business of Growing Your Business